
I’m so glad you’re here! Below you’ll find helpful resources and articles mostly written by me about all things related to what us moms do and care about. Over the years I’ve had a lot of questions and have learned a lot about many topics so I thought I’d use my blog as an outlet to share advice I have received over the years. If you haven’t taken the time to learn about the Moms Core 5 I suggest you start there as it’s the quickest way to a better life.

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Tongue Thrust Reflex: Is Your Baby in Danger?

Unpopular among your peers, this murky term might catch you off guard if you come across it out of the blue. Commonly left undiagnosed, tongue thrust reflex is a real deal and might even lead to many orthodontic problems. As your baby’s body is developing, you might come to notice that their tongue pushes back anything that you try to push in! This is known as extrusion reflex, which is a type of tongue reflex commonly seen in newborns and

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Beyond the Basics: Apple BLW Recipe Ideas Baby Will Love

BLW is a great way to get your baby to start eating on his own. Many people wonder what could be a good BLW food. Good news for every parent, a great BLW item, available almost all year round and easily accessible for many, is apples. Apples are safe to be introduced as soon as your baby starts eating solids, but only in small quantities. Remember that the food must be cut in an age-appropriate way and cooked until soft

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Magical BLW Sweet Potato Recipes for Your Little One

Are you trying to find a baby meal that your baby will love and also be nutritious? If you are using a baby-led weaning (BLW) process, sweet potatoes might be just what you’re looking for! Sweet potato for baby-led weaning (BLW) is a great, delicious, low-cost option. Most infants like it, and it’s very easy to prepare. You can cook sweet potatoes in various ways to keep your baby interested, and they may even help alleviate baby constipation. Sweet potatoes

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3 BLW Banana Recipes That Your Little One Will Actually Eat

Feeding your baby his or her first solid meal is an exciting moment. But, as a parent, you may face the challenge of finding healthy and tasty options that your little one will actually eat. One such option is bananas – a nutrient-dense fruit perfect for baby-led weaning (BLW). Bananas are a great first food for baby-led weaning because they are easy to chew, naturally sweet, and soft enough to mash easily between their gums. This fruit is also packed

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Is Your Baby Ready for Baby Led Weaning? Find Out Now

Baby-led weaning, or baby-led feeding, is an excellent method to introduce solids into your baby’s diet. But there’s no need to rush into this, so start with it only if you feel your baby is ready to take up this milestone. With baby-led weaning (BLW) you will gently transition your baby into the world of solid foods, starting with small portions of solids. The recommended age to start BLW is six months. This is the same age that parents may

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2 Finger-Lickin’ BLW Chicken Recipes Your Baby Will Devour

Chicken is great for baby-led weaning (BLW). Giving chicken to babies is a great way to introduce them to meat. There are also many baby food recipes for chicken. You can slice cooked chicken meat into small pieces or give your baby a loaded spoon or fork for practice. You can make a chicken puree and spread it on toast or make a marinara with it. This is a good way to give chicken to your baby when he/she is

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When Can Babies Have Water? A Parents Guide For Safety

Breast milk or formula feeds offer babies all the hydration and nutrients they need before six months. You should only offer breast milk to babies under six months of age since giving your baby water before this can lead to serious issues with their metabolite balance and their organs. Once your baby turns six months old, they can start to eat solids. With this solid food, you can also add small sips of water to their diet too. There is

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Why BLW Broccoli is a Must-Try for Your Baby’s First Foods

Serving broccoli as a baby-led weaning (BWL) food is a great choice. It can be a great finger food and is packed with nutrition. It is definitely a must-try for BWL. There are many ways to cook broccoli for baby-led weaning. You can give it to your child as finger food, spoon-feed your child some broccoli puree, or put it in other recipes like marinara. Remember to carefully remove the skin, meat, or cartilage, and ensure that the portion is

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Thompson Method Breastfeeding: Shocking Truth You Must Know!

Thompson’s Method of breastfeeding has increased breastfeeding rates by introducing a gentle yet evidence-based method that works for most mothers. It encourages minimal intervention to speed up the process and aims to educate women to breastfeed their children as soon as possible. It promotes gentle feeding that leads to a decreased incidence of nipple trauma, resulting in exclusive breastfeeding, especially during the first three months of life. It involves cradling and aligning your baby with your breast and making sure your baby locates the nipple itself. Thompson method breastfeeding reviews by most mothers indicate how helpful it is in avoiding forceful techniques practiced by most hospitals. Consult a lactation consultant if you have queries regarding breastfeeding.

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BLW Foods by Age: Purees to Finger Foods & When To Give Them

A baby starts eating solids usually around six months of age. There are certain foods more appropriate to be used as a portion of baby food. It is important to know age-appropriate foods for a baby. Some pediatricians say that babies can start eating solids at four months, but the AAP suggests waiting at least six months. Age is not the only thing you must be mindful of since every baby develops differently. The baby should be able to sit

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