
I’m so glad you’re here! Below you’ll find helpful resources and articles mostly written by me about all things related to what us moms do and care about. Over the years I’ve had a lot of questions and have learned a lot about many topics so I thought I’d use my blog as an outlet to share advice I have received over the years. If you haven’t taken the time to learn about the Moms Core 5 I suggest you start there as it’s the quickest way to a better life.

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Best Old Money Names That You Should Consider for Your Baby

Choosing baby names is difficult. Many parents go for old-money baby names since they usually represent status, class, and elegance. There is no proof that such names actually help with better social standing or earning, but it is still a widespread belief that these names can prove to be helpful. Old Money means people who have inherited generational wealth. Some good old family names from American history are Astor, Livingston, Schermerhorn, and de Peyster. Some other famous old money names

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Can a Newborn Sleep With a Pacifier? This Is What Happens

Parents often opt for strategies like feeding, bouncing, singing, or playing with newborn babies to make them fall asleep. Pacifiers are also proved successful in calming the baby down and enabling him to sleep early and peacefully. But the majority of parents, especially new parents, ask an avalanche of questions about whether using pacifiers is safe for their baby or “Can a newborn sleep with a pacifier?” Researchers from all around the world state that it is safe for babies

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Baby Sleep Regression – What It Can Do, and How To Stop It

Just when you think you’re finally done figuring out your wee one’s sleep schedule, suddenly your baby is up at late hours! Out of the blue, your baby has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep at night. You’re suspecting your little one is going through a sleep regression, and you want to stop it. Well, do not worry, we’ve got you covered! Sleep regressions are temporary changes in sleep patterns that occur during the first few years of life. These

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When To Transition To One Nap, Is This The Perfect Age?

We all have seen that infants fall asleep more often than toddlers, and we believe that this is normal for sleeping habits. When your baby grows into a toddler, he or she only requires 2 to 1 nap each day as they develop the ability for extended awake time. Now, you must have been thinking about when to transition to one nap, how long this 2 to 1 transition took, and at what age most babies acquire this transition to

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Saying Goodbye To Baby Food: How Baby Yogurt Helped Me Wean

New parents may have a lot of concerns related to their developing little ones, and one of these is shifting their baby’s diet from milk to solid foods. This is a necessary step that helps keep up with the required nutritional intake of the growing baby. But it can be an extremely hard task, as toddlers have a very hard time adjusting to the new flavors and textures of solid foods. Moreover, most parents do not know when is the

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When To Move Baby To Own Room? Tips For A Smooth Transition

Planning the perfect nursery for your baby, setting up colorful toys, painting up those walls, and installing a homey crib all through pregnancy might be exciting. While all this planning might keep you up at night, things might not exactly go according to plan. You might be thinking about how happy your baby would be in their new home, but as soon as your newborn enters this world, your bedroom might be the first place they’ll crash right in! Once

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How To Transition Out Of Swaddle?

Transitioning out of the swaddle or saying “goodbye to swaddle” as the time comes, is when your baby needs to be swaddle free, having their arms available for safe sleep. If you’re curious about how to bring about this transition or planning to do so, we’ve got you covered! Here we will see how to transition out of the swaddle and make this ride smooth for your little one! Using swaddle blankets helps babies get adjusted to life outside of

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What is the Dream Feed & Should You Be Doing This? [ANSWER]

You’ve heard your friends use this term for some time, or you’ve managed to conquer sleep regressions for the sneaky monsters they are, but you often come across this word and are curious about what dream feeding means. While you are adjusting to your little one’s sleeping hours, you might be worried about their sleep as your baby wakes up multiple times during the night for a feed. You might’ve come across the infamous dream feed and are curious. You’re

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Why Do Babies Cry In Their Sleep? The Science Behind It

Just when you feel like your baby is sound asleep in their room, you hear them crying like a banshee, but when you check up on them, you find them sleeping in their tiny crib, like an angel. No, you’re not going crazy, and yes, babies do cry in their sleep. All this crying and screaming while sleeping too? Yes! It is not uncommon for newborns to cry in their sleep. Most babies cry in their sleep because of their

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Your Baby’s Witching Hour Can Be Eliminated, For Good

Just when your baby is about two to three weeks old, you might find them behaving weirdly and irritably. They get annoyed easily and create a fuss, which turns into hours of crying without any apparent reason. You might find them all cranky, with tears running down those red puffy cheeks in the late afternoons or the early evenings. They might become inconsolable and end up crying for hours, at about the same time every day, and it might leave

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