What To Do When Your Child Hurts Your Feelings

Parenting is a joy-filled experience filled with unconditional love and cherished moments. However, sometimes you may feel like this journey brings out challenging times and unexcepted emotional pain, heavy deep breaths, frustration, and hurtful words – these big emotions can be felt when your child hurts your feelings. While children may not plan to hurt […]

Managing Tantrums in 3 Year Olds: Here’s Why They Happen!

Tantrums are more common among toddlers than you think. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are still in their learning phase of emotional regulation and can’t communicate properly when their frustration level rises. This inability to control emotions shows itself in the form of tantrums. Why Do Kids Show Temper Tantrums? Temper tantrums […]

Punishment vs Consequences: Here’s What to Know!

When talking about consequences and punishment while discussing effective parenting, these terms often are used interchangeably. However, there is a specific verbal and practical difference. What Is Punishment? Punishment attributes physical, emotional, and psychological pain to a child when he behaves in a specific way. It is meant to coerce the child to behave in […]

Handling Unsolicited Parenting Advice Like A Pro: A Guide

Imagine you’re out with your baby minding your own business, checking your grocery list to see if you’ve missed something, and someone comes up to you giving you parenting advice that you never really asked for. Whether it’s the pacifier your baby is carrying, the nursery rhymes on your phone, or the formula milk you […]

Is Natural Consequences Parenting The Best Form Of Punishment?

The Natural Consequences parenting philosophy stands out as an intriguing and thought-provoking option in the world of parenting theories where the importance of guidance and discipline are vital. As it allows them to witness the effects of their actions without any direct intervention, this practice seems to have the power to provide children with accountability […]

Discipline Done Right: Ten Punishments That Work

Disciplining your child is crucial. The right strategy can teach responsibility and thoughtfulness, but the wrong one can lead to rebellion, which can be bad for the child and others. Contrary to historical practices, punishments don’t have to be harsh; they just need to teach kids responsibility and accountability. There are ways you can punish […]

Is Attachment Parenting The Best Way To Raise A Child?

Every parent wants to raise their child in the best way possible. But with so many options out there, it might get confusing. One very popular way among parents for all the right reasons is attachment parenting. It focuses on creating a strong bond between parents and children through responsive parenting. It also promotes the […]

How to Raise a Strong-Willed Child Without Losing Your Mind

Strong-willed kids can sometimes make parenting a tough job. A strong-willed kid doesn’t mean “a bad kid.” They are just so high-spirited that parents, who are not ready for a suitable approach to parenting strong-willed children, face a difficult time in parenting them and binding them to rules. A more suitable approach could be “high-spirited […]

Top Gentle Parenting Books To Unlock Your Parent Potential

In the parenting journey, we all know there is a fair share of joy and challenges altogether. A lot of research supports the idea that parenting techniques can help kids become responsible and good humans. Better parenting skills and a more compassionate outlook can result from reading gentle parenting books. Using this tool won’t magically […]

Is A Child Working For Their Parents’ Business Appropriate?

A child working for his/her parents’ company is a very good idea to make the child learn important business and life skills. By looking at his/her parents, the child can learn business ethics, understand the intricacies of the business world, and get a head-start in life. But you must follow child labor laws put in […]