Welcome to the exciting world of baby-led weaning (BLW), a method of introducing solid food to your little one that emphasizes self-feeding and exploration. BLW will encourage healthy eating habits, enhance hand-eye coordination, and aid in developing fine motor skills. How can you start BLW? It’s simpler than you might imagine.
First, your baby must be developmentally ready for solid food – typically around six months old. Once you’ve established that your baby is ready, you can begin by offering a variety of healthy, nutritious foods in appropriately sized pieces. You can serve soft, cooked fruits and veggies, like sweet potatoes, broccoli, carrots, butternut squash, potatoes, and pumpkin.
You can start introducing solids before or after purees or switch out some meals to be 100% solid as you transition your baby from breast milk or formula to food.
What is Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)?
If you’re a parent, chances are that you may have come across the term “baby-led weaning,” or BLW. But what exactly is it? BLW introduces solid foods to your baby, emphasizing self-feeding and exploration. Instead of feeding purees or other mushy foods, baby-led weaning encourages babies to pick up pieces of food with their hands and bring them to their mouths.
Baby-led weaning is a gentle and intuitive approach to introducing solids that can have a range of benefits for both babies and parents. It can save time and effort since you don’t have to prepare special purees or other baby food. It also provides an effective and beneficial way to help your baby get used to a wide variety of healthy, nutritious foods from the get-go when they start to eat solids.
It’s crucial to understand that BLW is not about forcing your baby to eat. Instead, it’s all about letting your baby experiment with food safely and easily. Potentially allergenic foods must not be given to the baby. As you introduce new foods, closely monitor your baby for allergic reactions. BLW will help start your baby on healthy eating habits they can continue for the rest of their life.
When Should I Start Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)?
Baby-led weaning or (baby-led feeding) should start around six months to allow the baby’s digestive and immune systems to grow appropriately. Additionally, before beginning BLW, your baby should exhibit the following signs of readiness:
- Sits up on his own with strong head and neck control.
- No tongue thrust reflex.
- Can put toys or other things to their lips.
- Shows interest in finger foods other than just breast milk.
- Opens their mouth when food is offered.
There’s no one-size-fits-all for babies, and some may not be ready for solids until closer to their seventh or eighth month. Additionally, you should consult your pediatrician before starting baby-led weaning so that you can determine the appropriate foods to introduce and when to introduce them.
Some parents worry that baby-led weaning foods could result in choking. Gagging and choking are two different things; all infants have a strong gag reflex. When your infant gags, they may cry out, produce a gagging sound, turn red, and cough. However, a choking baby will have a pale blueish face and will be quiet.
Choking on baby-led weaning foods is not likely, as they are soft and easy to swallow. However, it is important to closely monitor your baby throughout the process as you would if you introduced any new activity.
How Can I Start Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)?
If you plan to start BLW instead of spoon-feeding your infant, you might begin by providing them with soft foods.
Here is how you start with BLW:
- Wait until your baby is developmentally ready: It’s crucial to hold off on introducing solid foods to your baby until he or she is about six months old and has demonstrated developmental readiness.
- Offer a variety of healthy foods: Start giving your baby solid meals by offering soft, easy-to-eat foods like avocado and bananas. As your baby gets more comfortable self-feeding, you can introduce challenging and safe foods like meats, other vegetables, and fruits.
- Offer appropriately sized pieces: Cut food into long, thin strips or small, bite-sized pieces that are perfect for your baby to grasp easily.
- Offer food in a safe and supportive environment: Make sure your baby is seated upright in a highchair or lap, and always supervise them while eating. Offer one piece at a time and wait for your baby to finish before offering more.
- Encourage exploration: BLW is about letting your baby explore and experiment with food in a safe and supportive environment. Your baby can get irritated and bored when you give him the same food again and again.
- Be patient and flexible: Every baby is different; some may take longer to get the hang of self-feeding than others. Don’t worry if your baby doesn’t take to certain foods immediately, and be open to adapting your approach as needed.
What Are The Best Foods to Begin Weaning in Babies?
When introducing solids as a baby food, it’s important to offer various healthy options appropriate for their age and stage of development.
Complementary foods are vital to helping babies meet their dietary needs but be aware that breast milk or formula will still be most of their nourishment for the first year. Include a variety of meals, along with fruits and vegetables, and, if possible, a diet high in nutrients like iron, protein, and fats.
In the first few phases of BLW, serve foods that are easy to pick up. Finger foods like potato fries, steamed carrot sticks or bananas may be easy to hold, making them ideal BLW first food. As an added bonus, easy-to-prepare food makes things easier for you, too!
Introducing only one new food and waiting a few days before introducing another is a good idea. You can then determine if your baby has any potential food sensitivities. Any new item you introduce to your baby should also be discussed with your pediatrician.
Best Foods for Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)
The goal of baby-led weaning is to get your baby used to feeding themselves and introducing them to nutritious meals. Weaning babies can begin with these foods:
Soft fruits and vegetables: Soft, easy-to-eat fruits and vegetables give babies a chance to experience different textures and tastes. Try steamed or roasted potato, cooked carrot, avocado, or sliced banana.
Protein-rich foods: Babies need protein for healthy growth and development, so offering protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, fish, beans, and lentils is important.
Iron-rich foods: Babies need iron for healthy growth and development, so it’s important to offer foods rich in iron. Again, meat, poultry, fish, beans, and lentils are ideal to meet these needs.
Fat-rich food: Babies require fat for energy and to aid in nutritional absorption, and certain fats, like omega-3 fatty acids, are necessary for brain development. Choose full-fat dairy products, like full-fat yogurt and cheddar cheese. Adding in a tiny bit of olive oil or nut butter spread thinly on bread can help you easily incorporate fat into your baby’s meals.
Whole grains: Oatmeal, quinoa, grains, and rice are reliable sources of nutrients. You can start BLW by giving cooked grains your baby can pick up and self-feed.
Dairy products: Cheese and yogurt are excellent providers of calcium and protein. Opt for unsweetened options that have no extra sugar or artificial flavors.
Egg yolks: Eggs are a good provider of protein. Start with sliced egg yolks, and avoid giving your baby the whites.
The key to weaning your baby is to provide a wide variety of foods, and following your baby’s lead, in this case, is a good idea. Be patient, offer positive reinforcement, and enjoy watching your baby explore and experiment with new foods.
Remember, introducing only one food at a time and waiting a few days before adding another is critical. This will aid in the identification of any potential food sensitivities. When introducing new meals to your infant, talk to your pediatrician for guidance.
Tips to Smoothly Transition Your Baby to Solid Foods

Transitioning your baby to solid food can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be a bit overwhelming. Here are some tips to help as smooth of a transition as possible:
Start slowly: Introduce new foods slowly, giving your baby only one food for a few days and waiting for your baby’s response. Starting slowly will help you notice any potential food allergies or sensitivities.
Offer a variety of healthy foods: Give your child various nutritious foods and avoid giving the same foods. This will help your baby develop a diverse palate, keep them interested in BLW, and make sure they get the necessary nutrients.
Let your baby take the lead: Encourage your baby to self-feed and explore different flavors at their speed. This will help improve motor skills and become confident eaters.
Remember, patience is a virtue: It is going to take your baby some time to eat a solid meal. Don’t be concerned if your infant doesn’t eat much or makes a mess. With time and practice, your baby will become more skilled and comfortable with eating.
Consult with your pediatrician: Talk to your pediatrician for even the slightest of worries or inquiries about starting solid meals for your child. They can assist you in navigating your baby’s exciting developmental journey.
Remember, introducing solids is an important milestone in your baby’s development. With patience, encouragement, and various healthy foods, you can help your baby love different varieties of food and have a healthy relationship with eating.
What Are The Safety Tips During BLW?
Introducing any solid foods to your baby for the first time may be a rewarding experience. However, safety must be prioritized throughout. Some important safety considerations for BLW are as follows.
- Sit your baby upright: Ensure that your baby is in an upright posture. This will decrease the risk of choking and ensure your baby can swallow food properly.
- Offer appropriate food sizes: Do not give your baby a large chunk of food. Always cut food into small, manageable pieces your baby can easily pick up and chew.
- Supervise your baby at all times: Always stay close to your baby while they’re eating.
- Choose the right kinds of foods for your baby: Wait a few days before introducing a new food item, and only introduce one at a time. This allows you to determine whether your child has any food allergies or unpleasant reactions. Additionally, stay away from items like nuts, popcorn, whole grapes, and raw carrots that can cause choking.
- Texture is important: Keep in mind that at first your baby might only be able to eat very soft food. You can progressively introduce more textured meals as they become older. However, the food you provide must be suitable for your baby’s developmental phase.
- Avoid distractions: It is important to have a distraction-free, calm, and peaceful environment during mealtimes. Avoid distractions such as toys, television, or mobile phones. Your baby needs to be able to concentrate on eating, and there will be less chance of choking if distractions are not present.
- Check the temperature: Before feeding your child, always verify the food’s temperature. Hot foods may cause swelling or burn your baby’s lips and throat.
Remember, safety is key during BLW. By following these safety tips and keeping a close eye on your baby while eating, you can ensure the new adventure is right for your baby.
Final Thoughts:
Baby-led weaning can be an exciting and enjoyable experience. By following the tips and guidelines we’ve discussed, you can help make a successful and safe transition to solid foods. From starting slowly and offering a variety of healthy foods to practicing safety and supervision, there are many ways to ensure your baby has a positive and healthy relationship with food. Remember, every baby is different, and as you experience this new period of your baby’s growth, it’s crucial to be patient and adaptable.
With time and practice, your baby will become a skilled and confident eater, and you will be able to enjoy many fun and delicious meals together. So, embrace the adventure of baby-led weaning and have fun exploring the wonderful world of food with your little one!