Bizzie Mommy Has Acquired

Bizzie Mommy Has Acquired

Bizzie Mommy Acquires

Bizzie Mommy has acquired – one of the very first and most popular mommy blog’s that helped to start the mom blogger genre online. The site previously hosted on was written by Amy Oztan who was one of the very first (if not the first) to emphasize a mom’s need for self care. The previous slogan read, “Put Yourself First” emphasizing the blog’s focus on moms taking care of themselves and not getting entirely lost in raising children. In simpler terms, finding balance while raising kids.

Probably the best way to describe the previous is to quote how the blog was described on the Tiny Beans website,

“Sarcastic like it’s going out of style, this cuttingly hilarious blog presents the truth of life so frankly, it’ll make you squirm while you just can’t stop reading on and laughing” Awards & Recognition won numerous awards and was notably cited in major outlets including;

  • People Magazine – The Internet’s Favorite Moms: Mom Bloggers, Instagrammers and Viral Video Stars
  • Time Magazine – “It’s Time for Women to Take Back the Word ‘Selfish’ “
  • Working Mother – “One of the Most Powerful Moms in Social Media”
  • Disney’s Babble – “Funniest Mom on Twitter”
  • Time Out – #1 on the “9 Mommy & Daddy Bloggers To Watch in 2015”
  • Tiny Beans – “Best Mom Blogs of New York City”
  • Many others…

Bizzie Mommy +

The acquisition of is a part of Bizzie Mommy’s overall mission to empower new, expectant, and experienced moms alike to live better lives by offering them content and entertainment that supports and assists them to accomplish their daily duties.

The Bizzie Mommy community welcomes readers of and is thrilled to expand our user base with like minded, helpful, informative and compassionate moms from the United States and abroad.